The unofficial blog for: Introduction to Architecture, ARCH 120, Fall 2008 Johnson County Community College Business and Technology Division Architecture Program

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Last Monday's Art Video

Of the three artists/architects we saw in the video last Monday, May Lin is the one I respect the most. That is because she was actually trying to do something productive with her art instead of simply humoring only herself with her creations as the two other artists seemed to be doing. While Richard Serra’s oversized sculptures do add a somewhat pleasing aesthetic value to the space, they don’t seem to really serve a purpose other than that. James Turrell’s main quest was that crater in the middle of nowhere. If it were completed it may be interesting but he said himself that he had ruined at least two marriages with that quest and was still not done. May Lin was the only one of the three who seemed intent on being artistic while creating a solution to a real problem or need that people around her had. Aside from her ice rink that helped revitalize an area, she was thinking forward towards creating a recycled playground for children. Architecture should satisfy a need that people have as well as being pleasing to look at... not one or the other.

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