The unofficial blog for: Introduction to Architecture, ARCH 120, Fall 2008 Johnson County Community College Business and Technology Division Architecture Program

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Architect? Suprised?

In the first chapter of Arhitect? I was actually pretty suprised at the earnings of an architect. I mean, I knew that it would fluctuate according to projects, style of work, and where they're doing their work at. What suprised me was that an average architect's wage is comparable to that of a school teacher, plumber, electrician, etc. I definitly would have thought a architect would earn more than those professions. Though I was pretty happy to find out that at the average income is solidly middle class for architect and that they can lead pretty comfortable lives. It didn't suprise me about the amount of dedication it takes to become an architect, i pretty much assume anything you want to be successful at takes a considerable amoung of dedication. It really sparked my interest when explaing the social higherachy of architects and the fact that they are well respected and admired by members of the social system who are considerably wealthy and think less of people they consider to be lacking in education. This was a big sigh of relief for me, not because I want to hang out with a bunch of rich people, but because I consider myself to be a people person and I have no problem getting along with others.

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