The unofficial blog for: Introduction to Architecture, ARCH 120, Fall 2008 Johnson County Community College Business and Technology Division Architecture Program

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Art Video

After viewing the art video I was definitly most intrigued by Maya Lin's work of the "Ecliptic Ice Rink." I was most influenced by her work because of attributing art with architectur. Throughout my life and my interest I always loved art, but knew that I wanted to be an architect first. Maya Lin's work took both the art and architecture aspects and combined them to make something beautiful. The ice rink is not only something beautiful, but something functional. She took what was once a dull, borring park in Grand Rapids, Michigan and turned it into something so much more. I love how the idea was influenced by the motion that water makes when a stone is dropped into it from above. The fact that she added the lights beneathe the ice was really neat because it was like the stars were a reflection from above. I enjoy how she trys to incorporate earth, landscape, or "natural phenomena,"(as she called it) into her architecture. Maya Lin is a very unique artist/architect, and I hope that I will someday be able to do work similar to hers.

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