The unofficial blog for: Introduction to Architecture, ARCH 120, Fall 2008 Johnson County Community College Business and Technology Division Architecture Program

Monday, September 22, 2008

Effect of Color On an Individual

Color can set the mood for people and places. Some colors can make one feel happy or sad, for instance, at wedding the color of choice to decorate with is usually white. while on the contrary a funerals colors are usually black. After the group project last week I became a little more aware of colors and how they effect or can even resemble a persons mood or feelings. Even personality can be drawn from things like texture, color, and designs that are in someones room or place they live. Red is considered the most emotionally intense color. It stimulates a faster heartbeat and breathing. It's the color of love. Blue causes the opposite reaction of red. Blue is considered to be peaceful, tranquil, and can even be used to describe things as cold and depressing. Green is calming, earthy, and refreshing. Yellow can be used to describe or illustrate cheer, optimism, even embarrassment and lies. At times purple resembles luxury, wealth, feminine and romantic. Although I already was aware that color has and effect on an individual and can characterise someone moods or feelings but after the project I really thought about it a lot more and attributed these facts to architecture.

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