The unofficial blog for: Introduction to Architecture, ARCH 120, Fall 2008 Johnson County Community College Business and Technology Division Architecture Program

Monday, September 1, 2008

Not What I Thought...

Whenever I mentioned the word "architecture" to someone as a kid, their response was always "oh, that's a lot of math." I can get by in math classes, but it's always been my least favorite subject. I assumed that a career stemming out of that subject would also suck... So I was absolutely shocked when Mr. Schutzler told us that he took College Algebra for his math credit and THAT WAS IT! I'm actually majoring in interior design (for which I have to take Calculus by the way - WTF?) but I might have gone down a different career path had I known that the "math stigma" of architecture is incorrect.

What I thought a School of Architecture would be like.

Something else that concerns me about architecture as a profession is that it may be limiting artistically. As this interesting article points out ( An Architect Unshackled by the Limits of the Real World) architects who are very creative don't usually make too much money. I wouldn't really want to design strip malls, you know? However, Frank Gehry disproves this theory, since he obviously makes a lot of money - and look at his work:

Disney Music Hall, CA

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