The unofficial blog for: Introduction to Architecture, ARCH 120, Fall 2008 Johnson County Community College Business and Technology Division Architecture Program

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Architecture? (Chap 1-2)

The part of the reading that I found most interesting/uplifting was the fact that Architects have more "fun" in their profession than most others do. The salary aspect mentioned by the author is somewhat discouraging, but if there's one thing I've learned already by having my undergrad degree and working the jobs that I have over the past 3-4 years - if you're not happy doing what you're doing, and you have no passion for it, what is the point? Sure, making great money is ideal, but life is way too short to waste it on working a job that you get up dreading to go to work every day. Give me a pay cut and the "fun" job any day of the week. I sure don't want to be like these guys, or work in an environment like this:

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